Saturday, February 13, 2010

Word On The Street Bible Online Street Bible/ The Word On The Street?

Street Bible/ The Word on the Street? - word on the street bible online

I would describe myself as a believer in God, but I'm not sure about Islam, Christians (which are not ready, or) Judaism, I thought, maybe I should choose my own path to God. My family has a solid Christian formation (not as devout or something that only the Christian faith, some of us to church), others are not, so I'm not going to church does not rest (not on the Sabbath and I take it easy But I will do the job and things for the school) and I pray that if God, I feel like I need.

I saw a copy of "The Street Bible" on my RS lesson in school, but I searched online and found his name as "speaking on the street." Is it good? At least one years, to 15 young people give? I feel IG mustChristianity still sees a chance, or do I stick to my own way to God?

And to make one of these aggressive atheists who feel that the fun is only a very religious, please simply proceed to could this time be better spent here will lose.


candi_k7 said...

Never heard of him, but I can say from experience that belong to God and follow the path of the cross is not going to church does not save anyone, only by believing that everyone is saved, not by works (what you do), so that no one can boast (brag or think they deserve to get to heaven), Jesus Christ, but paid the price range is all only in heaven by His righteousness, which are also to God. We thank God for the way because I always thought she was a "good" .. although he had several sexual partners before 17, an abortion, has made a lot of games and was addicted to pornography and a liar, I mean, a big liar! I thought it would be in heaven, because I was "very good" and give others the shirt in my class again .. ofLike all good things, which I consider the bad things that I have and I would be safe in the sky. Fortunately this is not achieved what we have or not, is that what Jesus did and we have the faith that lead us there. My advice, stay with Jesus and reading the Bible, you understand, because it coincides with other .. I disagree about 4 translations and always with them that I understand and I know what I read. Peace and God bless.

Babygirl... said...

I've heard of him. Try it out. In addition, the King James Bible, study the Bible, and hepatitis. Give Christianity try again. Maybe you need to find on the right side of the church in your area. God bless you.

scotgirl... said...

I have not heard from him, but it might be worth reading, if you believe that the Scriptures might be culturally relevant to you.

steven b said...

Do it your way, the names are stupid, they all want your money if you have to have faith in God.

ballcrus... said...

Stick a copy of better quality. Tip: The Jerusalem Bible.

Grayghos... said...

I suggest you read the RV experience bible.You that most people know that you speak do not know, "So
of the Lord.

Smiling Is My Favourite Hobby :) said...

Read the AV1611 King James Version
The Bible, the only real

Loyal Servant said...

Never heard of him, but I would say that, or can it be a literal translation of the true word of God. You need to take care of too sick translated versions of the Bible. There are certain things that have no connection and original meaning. I looked and saw much of this firsthand.

However, I feel as if Christianity should be a second chance. My reasons are in the New Testament. If you are a bible other than the KJV. The next, without too discrepncies is the RV or NLT. All others go too far astray.

God bless, Sean

gail said...

Hi Joe, yes, the word on the street is a Bible gloss. we use in our church young and we really like. its relevance today. In today's language. The message of Jesus is the same, but the wording is different. The Bible is the life very well.
just to clarify, in order, but the only way to God through Jesus. This means, asking Jesus come into your life. accept him as Lord and Savior. Christian is the name of the person who has accepted Jesus as their Savior. We all need God and we need all the time. many do not make it easy. Without Jesus you can not find the way to God. X

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